Hansraj College

University of Delhi

NAAC Grade A+ with CGPA 3.62

National Cadet Corps

National Cadet Corps is a Tri-Services Organisation comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming the youth - 'The Leaders of Tomorrow' - into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The genesis of the NCC can be traced back to the First World War when the Britishers created the University Corps as the second line of defense and to have a large pool of trained youth available for employment into the Armed Forces. After independence the present day NCC under the Ministry of Defence came into existence on 16 Apr 1948 through NCC act XXXI, 1948. NCC was formally inaugurated on 15 Jul 1948 as soon as the schools and colleges reopened after summer vacation. The Girls Division of the NCC was started in Jul 1949. In 1950 Air Wing was added on 01 Apr with one Air squadron each at Bombay and Kolkata. The Naval Wing of the NCC was raised in Jul 1952, thus completing the true representation of all services in the Corps. Presently, NCC has approximately 13 Lakhs Cadets under its fold.

Institutional Training This training (Trg) is mostly carried out in schools and colleges by the cadets. In addition, depending upon the type of service, basic knowledge of that service is imparted to the cadets e.g gliding , powered flying for Air Wing cadets and boat pulling, sailing for Naval Wing cadets form part of institutional training. These activities comprise approximately 50% of the entire syllabus. This is the most imp aspect of NCC Trg and hence great emphasis on institutional trg to be given. State DDG's to issue comprehensive instrs on organising the Institutional Trg at Gp / Unit level. Following actions will be taken to improve the standard of trg:-

  1. Optimum utilization of PI Staff for Trg.
  2. Greater involvement of Offrs, WTLO's and ANO's.
  3. Deficiencies in trg aids will be made up expeditiously.

Basic Training Drill. Cadets must be made to understand the aim and purpose of teaching drill, so that they are suitably motivated and do not take it as "fatigue". Emphasis will be laid on correct bearing, marching, saluting and arms drill. Inter-squad competitions may be organized to create interest.

Weapon Training. Cadets generally take keen interest in weapon training and firing. Units must liaise with nearby Service and Para-Military Units to ensure that all cadets get an opportunity to fire their authorized amn. Use of firing simulators may be made to optimize trg efforts where possible.

Certificate Exams. State does to conduct these exams with great deliberation. No dilution on any score is acceptable.

Entry into Armed Forces Provisions exist for NCC 'C' Cert holders to join the Armed Forces as offrs. A great effort at the Gp/Unit level to motivate, select and coach aspiring cadets to join the Armed Forces. Cadets are also been given the opportunity to undergo the "Personality Development Capsules" as also SSB Coaching Courses at the OTA. Gp Cdrs to ensure that their cadets are made aware of incentives for NCC 'B' & 'C' Certificate holders opting to join the Armed Forces / TA / and PMF. Checks All OC Units are keeping a check of Institutional trg regularly to ensure proper attendance. Attendance registers are marked before the commencement of the parade and NOT repeat NOT after the parade. All DDG's are putting an effective monitoring mechanism which is in place to check attendance and conduct of this trg.

The National Cadet Corps (NCC) was established in the college in 1949 with only 45 cadets to impart training and officer like qualities to them such that they are always ready for the service of the country.

Dr. Arvind :- ANO
